Friday, October 31, 2008

Finally the 3rd Ball. I am getting some great yardage on this sweater. It even seem to fit. Man am I am excited that I might get out with only 6 balls of yarn. I know there is another one here but man I can find it. OH Well here she is. That is a lot of sweater for less than 600 yards.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Good distance out of only two balls.

Second ball yippy. I have just finished the division of the sweater. 9 1/2 inches from neck edge. The body is the right width, I added additional underarm stitches. I am ready to put two balls on the tummy part and see how long that makes the sweater. Goal 10 inches after ball four. That would leave 1 1/2 balls for the sleeves and 1/2 a ball for bottom additional inch and ribbing. I think the sweater will be slightly short but we will see. I did get additional inch out of second ball on body segment. So maybe 12 inches total. I really think I need another ball for a total of 7.

It is day 10 and only ball two done. So unless I get the show on the road this sweater will take 21 days. Well foooey!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

At last a picture! I am making Buttony Sweater Supersized. I am starting this top down sweater with 6 balls of Naturally Nazareth by Kraemer Yarns. Each is 185 yards, I am thinking that I might get close to a whole sweater with the six. This is the first ball. I still need 20 rows to finish the first part, before separting sleeves from body. I will be on the look out for one more ball. I would feel better with 7. I am using size 8 needles for body and size 7 for the begining and ending ribbing. I am old fashioned I think the ribbing should be tighter than the smooth knitting.
Goal for this sweater 2 weeks with buttons and photograph. This is day 2.