Friday, October 31, 2008

Finally the 3rd Ball. I am getting some great yardage on this sweater. It even seem to fit. Man am I am excited that I might get out with only 6 balls of yarn. I know there is another one here but man I can find it. OH Well here she is. That is a lot of sweater for less than 600 yards.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Good distance out of only two balls.

Second ball yippy. I have just finished the division of the sweater. 9 1/2 inches from neck edge. The body is the right width, I added additional underarm stitches. I am ready to put two balls on the tummy part and see how long that makes the sweater. Goal 10 inches after ball four. That would leave 1 1/2 balls for the sleeves and 1/2 a ball for bottom additional inch and ribbing. I think the sweater will be slightly short but we will see. I did get additional inch out of second ball on body segment. So maybe 12 inches total. I really think I need another ball for a total of 7.

It is day 10 and only ball two done. So unless I get the show on the road this sweater will take 21 days. Well foooey!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

At last a picture! I am making Buttony Sweater Supersized. I am starting this top down sweater with 6 balls of Naturally Nazareth by Kraemer Yarns. Each is 185 yards, I am thinking that I might get close to a whole sweater with the six. This is the first ball. I still need 20 rows to finish the first part, before separting sleeves from body. I will be on the look out for one more ball. I would feel better with 7. I am using size 8 needles for body and size 7 for the begining and ending ribbing. I am old fashioned I think the ribbing should be tighter than the smooth knitting.
Goal for this sweater 2 weeks with buttons and photograph. This is day 2.

Friday, September 19, 2008

My Good God has it been that long.

I not a good blogger, I haven't check on this site in quite a few months. I wanted to document all is well. Meds are working, temp assignment is nearly over, crochet and socks are progressing. Spending a lot of time on Ravelry now that school is over.
Online school at University of Phoenix don't trying at home. Now I am going to be a H&R Block professional well at least for tax year 2009. Tax year 2008 will be a learning year, I don't suppose I will get to do more than 50 sets of taxes. It all about the flexible work hours. It sounds like you work like a dog for 3 and half months then the rest of the year you study and work temp or at Starbuck's while you are getting your street credit.
Knitting is only socks and crochet is hats, a bag and a couple of sweaters. I hope to solve the problem of pictures and make this a real blog.
Here's to write again soon.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Has really be this long.

Much has happen since I last posted. I started school. I lost my job. I started working temp again. I gain even more weight. I bought more yarn. I am still with mr wonderful. Isn't that funny I didn't think I would ever even like him again. Now he growing back to being mr wonderful. How odd.

I am crocheting my ass off. I have two different sweaters in the works. Both in berry colors. Also odd never thought about them being simular in color. The are both cardi's. Also odd. The only sweater that is making the rounds right now is also a cardi. I go years, I mean years and never make one cardigan and now I am working on three. There is also a berrro

Friday, February 08, 2008

Time for a change

Love my job. No love the cool people that I get to hang out with. What I do is necessary and pointless to me. But very important to patients I help and the company I help suport with my actions.

Hate my life. No I don't hate my life. I hate that I am too weak and too stupid to fix it!!!

I hate my trailer. No I don't hate my trailer I hate its location.

I hate the 25 miles I drive each day to get to work. No its not he drive its the time I lose and the cramps in my legs from the mind numbing drive on the too crowded roads.

I hate my car. No I don't really hate my car. I hate how I have been forced to neglect it because of money.

I hate my income. No my income is acceptable it is the cost of insurance and the extra things you need to surrive.

I still love yarn.... I hope to love the things I make from it. I need to love it less and let a lot of it
go to a new homes and add something special to somebody elses lives.

It is time for a new path. I am taking time away from most of my email lists. From email in general. I need to crochet and knit for real. I always said "I get want to knit" it is finally time.

I will be in touch.
